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Suffering from dry, itchy, red or burning eyes?

Our FDA Approved Light Therapy can help! Choose a Form to Start Now!

Choose a form above to initiate your Optilight appointment at Mcmillin Eyecare.

You are not alone. Its estimated that between 30 to 40 MILLION Americans are suffering from Dry Eye Disease.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is considered the leading cause of Dry Eye Deasease as its estimated to be involved in around 85% of cases.

We understand how frustrating Dry Eye Desease can be… Our Optilight treatments can help.

See Mandy Moore's Story
NOT invasive on either your body or your time

Optilight treatments are applied on the area below the eyes and around the cheeks. There is generally no pain in the process either.

If your schedule is the problem, fret no longer! each treatment only takes 10 – 15 minutes with little to no downtime at all.

Finally, A Real Solution for Dry Eyes

The first and only light therapy, FDA-Approved for dry eye management!

Using precise, intense broad spectrum light to address inflammation – one of the key underlining factors in dry eye disease due to MGD. Once your treatments are complete maintenance is generally only needed every 6 – 12 months.

Gentle & Fast

Light Therapy treatment in non-invasive and patients report an improvement after only 2 to 3 treatments.

No Downtime

After each treatment, you can expect to return to daily activities straight away.